In Alaska I had several good friends. Most of them were military so we all moved on at about the same time. However my very best friend in Alaska stopped being my friend about 9 months before we departed Alaska. I still do not know why this happened. This has left a hole in me that has yet to heal. It left me feeling disposable and resulted in a lot of sad days on my part. Nothing Dave said or did has been able to compensate for the loss of that friendship.
Along comes Kimi Gale.
At church the other day Kimi had really bad breath. Well apparently my mom has taught Kimi not to chew gum. Or maybe she just doesn't like it. What ever the reason she didn't want to have anything to do with my gum. She kept telling me I could just give her a cert. I don't use certs. So finally I made Kimi chew this piece of gum. For 10 minutes she gave me the stink eye, while I tried to talk her into chewing the gum. Finally I figured she would have had to have it chewed. I let her spit it out. I am not kidding.... there was no more then 3 chews on that piece of gum. Also.... the same day I got a full lecture from Kimi about the cookies I just made. She kept on telling me they had too much sugar in them. (I know this is straight from my moms mouth to Kim's.) Finally Dave asked Kimi how come our cookies weren't ok, but her ice cream was fine? She replied by informing us that ice cream has milk in it and milk is good for you. It was a fight we couldn't win.
One more Kimi story and then I'll stop. I can't wait to see Kimi in heaven whole. I really hope she still likes me when she can see all my flaws. The other day I was in a bad mood. Dave called me grumpy and I called him a turd. He then grabbed my arm and pulled me into our food pantry, shut the door and then tried to hug and heckle the grumpy out of me. Upon leaving the pantry Dave was met with the wrath of Kimi. She was not happy that he had called me grumpy and grabbed me by the arm. She laid into Dave like I have never seen before. Apparently my dad has never openly called my mom grumpy. Dave got the wrath of nine hells on his head. And all out of protection of me. Yes I think Kimi will be a very good person to have on my side some day. Seeing he would not win, Dave said sorry and showed her a Jack Black video on you tube. All was forgiven. She really is easy to please.
Daves family shows love through teasing. I have learned this the hard way. I know that my father in law loves me. Of this I have no doubt. However he will push my buttons and tease me until I am on the verge of giving him the bird. Dave is the same way. Teasing is just a way to say I love you. Kimi and I however pretty much grew up in a tease free zone. We got it a little when we were young, but for the most part never got teased. Kimi and Dave are on an interesting path of discovery in the teasing department. It's a work in progress.
Ok I know I've mentioned before that little boys are perverts. It just never ends. The other night Abe and Dallin were taking a bath. After several minutes we were able to convince them to stop touching their dangles. From touching they moved on to watching them float in the water. This was amazing to both of them. But there was no touching. Upon exit of the bath tub Abe points his freshly clean behind at the back of his brothers head and says "Do you want to smell my clean bum, bum?" At this point both of them burst out laughing. I don't ever remember doing this to Kimi or any of my friends. Boys are so weird. I would love to think that they will out grow this. I have however been a wrestling manager for a high school wrestling team and I know my husband played Frisbee hoo ha smash in the MTC. Please tell me my boys are normal. They seem normal, but I would never do what they do!
So Tom Hanks has let me down. I have been a huge Tom Hanks fan for the last 20 years. He said that Mormons are unamerican and gripped about all the money the church gave to the Yes on prop 8. What a stupid thing to say. The church didn't give any money to Yes on prop 8! That is not the way they spend tithing. Members of our church yes, but the church... heck no! As for unamerican.... what a moron. He clearly knows nothing of our history. OHHHHHH, I'm so sad by his comments. I've always thought that we would be good friends when I got to Hollywood. I was wrong. How is it that the Mormons get all the credit for Prop 8 passing? Why do people think we have so much power? Prior to the vote I didn't see a single Yes on prop 8 rally on TV. They were all No on prop 8. 80 % of blacks voted yes on prop 8. And yet the mormons get 100% of the glory to it passing. Oh I hate that I can't stop watching the news!
The boys started Mixed Martial Arts. They love it. I know they are probably a little young for it. But they really wanted to do it and they are loving it! Abe and Dallin are both in really good schools. I'm pretty darn happy with our set up here in Georgia.
Dave's school is awesome. Most days of the week he is home by 4:15. I love it! I know it's short lived and that we will probably face another deployment soon. But for here and now we love it! Our house is awesome, Dave is home and the weather is pretty warm. Yes we have it really good right now.
At the beginning of January Scout (our dog) turned 3. Dave made her chicken and rice and we had a cake for her. She is such a spoiled dog!