People who have amazing lawns with fantastic flowers and perfect hedges find strength and inner peace from such work. Those of us who do not find inner peace and strength in yard work have a couple of hanging plants. I am the later of those two. (and my hanging plants died) I just don't get it, but I love to look at the gardens of those folks who find their inner peace in the soil. I find my inner peace in running.
In 2010 I ran/ shuffled my first marathon. The marathon it's self didn't go well. But the training was awesome. I learned so much about myself during the process. On my 20 mile run I started in the housing division above Fred Meyer, ran over the over pass between Richland and Pasco, crossed the Blue bridge, ran through Columbia Park and circled back to where I started. This is exactly 20 miles. While on that run I found the song Uprising by Muse. I listened to that song 6 times in a row and then 2 more times after that. When I hear that song now I am transported back to that time. I can feel the strength come from the marrow of my bones in my finger tips and work its way all the way through my body. I can feel the power of the Blue Bridge beside me and the energy of the mighty Columbia River under me. I loved that run and I love that song. Like a drug addict I am determined to feel that high again.
I did however just have a baby. Heidi is 9 weeks old and I am still a fatty. Rebuilding lung strength is not easy and it takes forever to do! But I've started back down the running path and I can't wait for the day when my wight is down, my lungs are strong and my body is healthy! I am running the Hood to Coast relay race with some ladies from church next August. That is if we win the lottery and get in. It's the worlds longest relay race and It's gonna be awesome. But I have to get my comfortable pace down to at least 9 minute miles to be an asset to the team.
Speaking of being a fatty. With all my other babies I have been an equal opportunity fatty. Never in my life has my belly fat gone out further then my hip fat. Not so this time. Many of my jeans zip up just fine, but then I've got all the belly and upper hip loping over the top of my pants. I don't know what to do with this. I spend as much time in sweat pants as humanly possible. So it's back to weight watchers for me. The first time I did weight watchers I lost 35 pounds, the second time I lost 40 pounds. This time I have about 25 pounds to lose. But it doesn't matter I still hate losing weight. It comes off so slowly and eating is just no fun. Today I went to weight watchers and gained a pound. When you gain weight the lady weighing you doesn't say anything! Nothing at all. It's like I'm a beggar asking for a buck. They just say "got it"... and send you on your way. If you lose weight they tell you congratulations. But if you gain it, it's like you just brought the plague into their weight loss meeting.
Depressing as gaining a pound is when you've been dieting there is a silver lining. David is leaving on Sunday for three weeks! Normally this wouldn't make me so happy, but this time I can't get him out the door fast enough. His "light" pop corn at 10:30 pm isn't helping my belly fat go away. When he is gone I lose weight much easier. I tried to get him to deploy for 3 months, but the timing didn't line up right. :) My weight loss success depends on David being very far away.
The moral of the story is... I hate dieting and love running. Until my weight is down I have to try to make the two friends. I'm blogging about running in an effort to keep myself from talking about it.
I have also been trying to dabble in photography and I will try to post some of the pictures I do.
Good for you for running! I see walking (or running) as a natural anti-depressant. When your day is at it's worst you know you can run it all out and feel better. Your children are beautiful!
Amy, Roma and I loved being at Heidi's blessing.
You need to keep blogging. You always make me laugh with your honesty :) Welcome to my world of belly fat!
Heidi and Molly are so adorable. I can't wait to meet little Heidi.
Although I am not a fan of running, I do understand that feeling of never having seen a city until you walk (or run) it's streets. It makes everything so much different and personal. Love your blogging, you are so funny and honest. Love ya!
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